
Wander the World Joyfully


Hi! It’s really December 18.

Day 69
Happy Hanukkah!

We were in Gibralter on November 17, Day 38.

A month later.  I’m a little heart broken that my original Gibralter post was lost when I tried to add to it.
We went to Gibralter with Joe on
December 13, Day 64.
I wanted to add those photos, so I’ll try to re create the first one, for me.  Then include Joe in the second one…
There.  Now that I got that all straightened out for myself….
November 17th….
Tony and I took the tram to the top of the Rock in November. 
Tony was lucky enough to be stuck right in the middle of the car!  He didn’t even have to look over the edge!
There were monkeys waiting for us at the top!
They are very curious.  Just like George.
We went into St Michael’s Cave.  I hesitated briefly, but I sucked in all the air outside and walked in.
It was huge.  This…

Transforms to this:

It’s even got a concert space.

And a continuous light show.

We toured the British armament tunnels.

We got some spectacular views with our friends.

Got a great view of the surrounding land….and the landing strip that cuts the land mass in two.
Here’s a better view.  They close the road when a plane lands!
Then we said goodbye to our pals.
And headed downhill for lunch with some other pals.
It was a great day off the ship!

One Response

  1. Anonymous says:

    Tani Tae here saying woot hoot yay for you both. Up high and down under in one day!!!! You are so adventurous. I want to see monkeys.

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