Stormy Weather

Wander the World Joyfully

Stormy Weather

November 10, 2022

Day 20
Thank goodness the morning coffee arrived so that I could quit trying to sleep.

Thank goodness I spent all those sunny afternoons on our balcony, appreciating our front row seat to the Atlantic.
Yesterday was so windy, the boat was rocking. I tried not to walk beside anyone so that I wouldn’t get squashed into a wall by a sudden rocking of the ship.
Every step is a yoga practice. Plant your feet.  Balance.
 Tony stuffed our door with the curtain and towels to stop the constant wind whistling through the cracks. I made a recording of the sound. 
It was like a typical stormy, gray day in Seattle.  No one had any energy.  Our best friend, Hendrick the art dealer,  requested espresso, instead of champagne for us, at his “Lightening Fast Art Auction” which wasn’t. 
Our tour stop in Horta, Azores was cancelled today because of the wind.  It’s too dangerous to load us up on little boats to go ashore. Sad face.
“Where do the dolphins go?” we wonder.

Our captain just gave us an update. The winds are at 71 KPH, and the waves are 5 meters high.  This will continue until 4 PM.

My sarong hanging on a hook on the wall serves as a pendulum of wave intensity.
We slept about 10 minutes max between lurches.  The boat  shimmied a bit, then we’d roll to the right and back to the left.  With each roll we’d linger at the top of the roll waiting for the roll back!  Ha!
The best position is to be on your side, approximately mid-bed with one hand in front of your chest. For bracing purposes. 
Like so.
I hope Tony will forgive me for taking a picture of him sleeping, but he is better at it than I am.
Around 3 AM I turned on a downloaded episode of the Smartless podcast, and we laughed ourselves to sleep.
Thank goodness for coffee.
Thank goodness I don’t have to work today.
I may not even have to get out of bed.
Tony and I are pleased that we are not seasick.  But it is pretty challenging to walk around the boat,  so we will have ro content ourselves with a Harry Potter movie in the room today.
I really miss being able to communicate. I miss keeping up with you all via Instagram or Facebook.  I’m looking forward to settling into Spain after this and re connecting!

2 Responses

  1. TaniRae says:

    Wow this is exciting! I hope it doesn’t last long and there are no ice bergs. So sad you couldn’t stop in Azores. It’s sad not being able to communicate with you for me too. It’s quite like (almost) the olden days where you communicated with your town folk only and anyone else had to write letters and wait for the post. At least you aren’t that removed from us all. Tony looks very stable.

  2. Janet crawley says:

    I think this experience must be what Don visualizes happening on cruises. I'm not letting him read this post! Ha! I would love to go with you and practice watercolor every day or watch movies in the storm.

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