Imported post: Facebook Post: 2022-12-13T08:22:20

Wander the World Joyfully

Imported post: Facebook Post: 2022-12-13T08:22:20

Gibraltar Redux.
(Our first trip is on the blog.)
Joe’s here! Yay! And he wanted to see Gibralter!

This marks the Pillars of Hercules.  There’s another peak just across the Mediterrain Sea/Straits of Gibraltar facing this one.

We visited St Michael’s Cave again.

This time looking down.

Our taxi tour guides took us to the edge for a scary view looking out from the edge of the Rock. 

An odd surprise was this sinking ship.

Tony and Joe ventured out too!

Then we got to see the Barbary Apes again.  Barbary Macaques, actually.

This guy just wanted to be on the highest point of land!

This guy wanted more peanuts- and gave Joe a head fake “You wanna a piece of me?” look when Joe tried to shoo him out

This is the Moorish fortress right down the road.

We had a long walk down hill.
Which is preferable to the other direction. 
We stopped at a little Cafe.
The Kas-Bar.
And continued home to our stormy vacation home in Marbella. 

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