Last Lisbon

Wander the World Joyfully

Last Lisbon

November 26

Day 46
Jaime’s 30 Something Birthday!
After some really fun days in Lisbon with Joe, we have moved on to Tavira, Portugal.  It’s way south and only about an hour from Joe.  We are hoping to see him again after he gets some homework done.

We toured a couple more places in Lisbon with Joe.
We visited the Pantheon.  It was part of the landscape from our fabulous Apartment 1A.  So we were curious about it.
It’s a former cathedral where Lisbon pays homage to dead famous people.  They have sarcophagui, but sometimes the famous are buried elsewhere.
We couldn’t quite figure out it’s purpose, but it was pretty. 
I also found what the true symbol of Christianity should be.  Life. 

As opposed to suffering and death symbolized by the cross.

Just thought I’d share.
The Monastery of the Jerónimos in Lisbon is museum and cloister. It’s huge and beautiful!

They had a few garage sale items.

We went to the Castilo de São Jorge again.  This time it was sunny!
There were musicians.
And a play.
And a herd of peacocks.
And the views.
We walked to many Miradores.
And down this hill. That last pic was from the top.
Then we found this cool building that someone traced on the ground with rocks. 

Shit is just wild sometimes.

Tony opened his wine bar.
I had coffee.

And Joe surveyed all the land he could see that was his.

It was a good day.

Happy Birthday, Jaime Far Away!

One Response

  1. TaniRae says:

    Oh gosh it is so fun seeing Joe’s smiling face! So happy you can be three with him. Its pretty cool you found a building with doors tall enough for him and Tony!

    I think traveling suits you, you look fabulous in every picture (even just your legs!) This day looks to good to be true. That angel on a ladder inspired me. I think we need to get wings for our scribe!

    And what gorgeous buildings but then there is that dang graffiti. I quit being so irritated by it after going to pompeii and seeing that even back then there was graffiti. So man must make his mark. Maybe that was what all the handprints in the caves were about too. Neanderthal Graffitti! Let’s call it personal art.

    Did you grab some of that garage sale stuff? I want the little bench if you go back!

    Your observation of what the symbol of christianity should be is so right on. Especially when you consider the theory posited by Holy Blood Holy Grail that he may not even have been hung up on that cross. Jonathan is going to read that now that he finished Starry Messenger by Neil deGrass Tyson. Have you read that? IT was so good. Of course I don’t remember why, so may have to reread it Sigh.

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